Monday, August 30, 2010

School is now in session

YEP! School is now in session.  We started back a couple weeks ago... half load. Which means they are only doing  half of their normal work.  WHY?  You ask... Simple its easier on ME!  yes, thats right if I ease my children into doing school work then I am easing them into this new routine that will soon mark the end to summer and school will once again consume our lives.  Besides easing them into school means that I don't have mentally exhausted children that become cranky lil' angels with their halos wrapped tightly around their necks!  So far this new system is working like a charm! **insert wink here**  

So last night we had dinner with my BFF and she asks questions .... love her by the way! Anyway, she asked how the new education laws affected us with the homeschooling.... My answer was GREAT! "Ummm, what new laws?" She proceeded to explain to me that public schools have extended their school days. (my answer again Pure Genius!)  'REALLY?'  all the while thinking not very nice thoughts but keeping them totally to myself.... and no I'm not going to share them here either! I left there thinking about that question and  have decided this... We home school for multiple reasons one of which they can work at their own pace be it fast or slow. I will not sacrifice my child's brains to boredom nor to overwhelmingness, Period end of story! But, as always my heart goes out to all public school teachers may peace be with you.

Until Next Time,


Oklahoma Summer Gardening

 Gardening in Central Oklahoma has been completely different from gardening in Oregon, where I was raised.  Everything seemed to grow all season long with ZERO die off!  NOT Oklahoma! Two days of 100 degrees and say good bye to your tomatoes and anything else that might be a little weak from bug munches.    Today the kids and I pulled out our tomato plants that have browned and stopped growing and replaced them with a fall crop of green beans.  The green beans will add nitrogen back into the soil that the tomatoes have depleted. ......... or so I'm told.

Until Next time,


Sunday, August 8, 2010


So the other day, I was checking out my rapidly growing spearmint plant and orange peppermint plant.  And thought what in the world am I going to do with all this!!??

 And it hit me....... I could add some of that mint to my food processor and then add sugar let it sit and infuse (I know its a big word! repeat after me in~fuse, good job!) THEN I can add it to whatever recipe I'd like to have a *hint* of mint.  So I did just that!
I know I'm not the first to come up with this idea but Hey, I came up with it this day! That must count for something..... right?

The day I made all of this I was really concerned that it wasn't going to come out like I'd hoped... the mint had a strong unpleasant smell.... But I proceeded. Today, I opened up the jar and I'm telling you I heard angles singing!  Then my mind was racing... pear jam with mint.... strawberry mint jam.... tea with mint... sweet breads with mint sugar!

So that brings me to the next step... YOU! Put your thinking caps and and tell me your ideas!  What else can I do with mint?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sourdough Waffles

Sourdough Waffles................
Yes, My sourdough adventure continues! Today, I made sourdough waffles.   Pictured above is 1/4 of the batter that I made.... :~) Who on earth would have thought that 4 cups of starter would have made so much batter.   8~}  .... It's okay to laugh.... I now have about a million waffles in the freezer for future breakfasts.  (and my kids think I'm the greatest not to mention the cost was roughly a bag of flour... pretty good deal if you ask me)  
 It did take a little night before prep work, but was well worth the effort.
The recipe I used was one I found on the internet... 1847 Oregon Trail (free) SOURDOUGH STARTER By Carl (Recipe)  It was so yum-A-lishous that there is no need to modify the recipe! 

The first few batches, I filled a little to full.... So I have a huge mess now to clean up.  
But, it was sooooo worth it! 

Don't forget to check out Carl Griffith's Oregon Trail Starter. He has an awesome story and they will send out the starter for cost of shipping.  I've already mailed off for mine ;~) 

Until Next Time,
